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Сообщения, опубликованные Neslea

  1. As promised :

    Dear Customer or Player,

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you better. Please help us by taking a few minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far. We appreciate your business and want to make sure we meet your expectations.

    Here is the link of the survey : https://docs.google....dUioig/viewform

    Please take few minutes to fill in :)



  2. Покупали палитры в прошлом году, всё было отлично.

    Пару недель отвечала на все вопросы, была любезной.

    Стоило обратиться через месяц - начался игнор.

    Совсем недавно обратился за консультацией, насчёт аделайса, ответ пришёл только через 2 дня, и вся "любезность и доброжелательность" в виде смайликов пропала.

    Hello, we are two on the project Adelays, and I am regularly the one answering to the mails.

    Kami is generally the one who's using a lot of emoticones when she talks, for my part I am a bit more formal and professional. We want to be clear with our clients and look the most professional possible.

    So if you feel the answers too formal, blame on me, not on Kami! And I swear I will do an effort to look more kind when I talk.

    By the way, we will soon send a satisfaction survey to our customers (about 30~ servers) to know what they have to say about our service and what we can improve. Because we care about what they need and what they think.

    Best regards,


    Большего *вранья* я не встречал...Камиши, как только получала лавэ и если после этого возникали какие-либо вопросы к ней...сразу уходила в загас...Яркий пример: Купили у неё диз. для сайта, спросили про кнопку русс-англ. языков, на что она взяла с нас 8 баксов и свалила и до сих пор гаситься....так что сервис у неё *мне не понравился*...как и работа её, по сути, *мне не понравилась*...ибо все косяки дорабатывал, за отдельную плату, для нас - Санасол (за что спасибо ему, ибо он шарит в том, что делает и правит все быстро и качественно)....Отсюда простой вывод, Ками - *censored*, что завышает цену за "воздух", который пытается продать с паблика и который даже не пытается саппортить...имхо...

    About that.... I don't really know who you even are, but if you have a problem you can contact me through mail at adelays@ragnawork.com

    I take maximum 48H to answer (which is a short delay imo...) and I assure you I'll do all I can to answer your needs.



    • Upvote 1
  3. If you were looking for a discount, you couldn't afford a full-price license, Adelays introduces today the Group offers.

    You can now contact us as a group to buy our product.

    • 15% discount on each license for a group of 2 customers.
    • 20% discount on each licenses for a group of 3 customers.
    • 25% discount on each licenses for a group of 4 customers.

    Buy it with your friends !

    This promotion will be limited in time until the 21th of June 2014.

    You can get in touch to let us know your views and suggestions by:

    Purchase & installation :kami-shi

    Questions & bug reports: adelays@ragnawork.com

    • Upvote 1
  4. Wow ok. I didn't expect anybody to play with a disguised character.

    Adelays is mainly oriented to pvp-woe servers where all the players have access to the latest cheats and where the protection must be unbypassable if you don't want a guild to take advantage on another one because one of their members is developper.

    I rarely see a player volontary playing as Poring to do anything else but snoop around in prontera.

    Also, nodelay doesnt exist for monster-base sprites. However, in some particular case we can adapt the protection to not work if the player @disguise :)

    It would be specific to some servers. I dont want it to become an actual bypass with somebody disguising and editing the sprite of the disguised monster into a mushroom. (0 anim monster)

    We can fix everything if the client asks to.

  5. В клиенте можно порезать анимацию через nodelay и тогда скиллы будут кидаться быстрее.

    Мыслишь правильно, но не до конца.

    Если скиллы будут кидаться быстрее, то защита на стороне сервера как раз их вычислит и не даст кастануть более определенного количества в секунду.

    Здесь работа не только в задержке скиллов, но и количестве возможных скиллов в секунду. Идет коррекция скиллов, причем на мой взгляд (возможно не прав, определял на глаз) с nodelay там после того как не дали скастовать скилл еще добавляется + к задержке, в результате ты только теряешь во времени.

    Тестировал на eathena eamod для сервера tervistro.net

    Цель защиты - уравнивание всех, но из-за disguise это выравнивание работает не полностью.

    А значит об этом надо указать в описании.

    Sorry. In what specifically it doesn't work "completely" ?

    Adelays is pretty much accurate right now since the version 3.0 and doesn't create any false positive. This is the ONLY server sided protection which takes in account the item delays (who can bypass every fixed delays just saying), the gender of the character, hitlocking, dancing, the ASPD of the owner etc etc etc... :rolleyes:

    If there is ANYTHING that isn't working on Adelays properly, you just have to report it and it will be fixed in the 48 Hours.

    I repeat, all of our customers understand the system and are satisfied of it. If you think that it's not working, I suggest you to do your test yourself ingame with the command @adelays which displays the latence between each skills. Then you will be realizing that nodelay doesn't give you any advantage over anybody, but decreases your spamrate. Sometimes it's only 50 ms, so you don't realize it visually, but sometimes its more than 100 ms.

    You can also check the pawn that appears when you cast a skill, in your skillbar. It helps. :P

    I am available for any question and looking for your answer to give precizions about what "doesn't work" for you, remember that if it's the case, you can count on us to fix it ASAP ! :)


  6. Hello,

    I am the creator of these videos to explain the system. The biggest advantage the system has to any other nodelay protection (such fixed delays), is that instead of recommending nodelay, it forces the players to disable it.

    Our goal is to make nodelay completely disappear from Ragnarok in 2014. Less cheats, less 3rd party programs.

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