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Весь контент Enwteyn

  1. использовал скрипт - script DropExtraDB -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: //======================== Conf ============================= setarray .@mobids[0],1038,1039,1046,1150,1511,1647,1785,1630,1874,1272,1719,1389,1112,1115,1418,1871,1252,1768,1086,1990,1649,1651,1832,1492,1734,1779,1251,1688,1646,1373,1147,1059,1150,1087,1190,1157,1159,1623,1650,1708,1583,1991,1312,1751,1685,1658,1648,1917,1885; //Вводим ваши ID setarray .@prizeids[0],7227; // Droped itens ID's == setarray .@chance[0],75; // Drop chance % == //========================================================== for(set @c,0; @c < getarraysize(.@mobids); set @c,@c+1){ if(killedrid == .@mobids[@c]){ set @d,rand(0,100); if(@d <= .@chance[@c]){ getitem .@prizeids[@c],1;} } end;} }
  2. з данным способом, дроп падает также с мобов призванных MVP, как исправить?
  3. Enwteyn

    Free Breeder

    ты бы еще на 9000 ревизии eathena сидел =) eAthena SVN Stable Revision 14785 вроде последняя Stable ревизия
  4. Enwteyn

    Free Breeder

    не работает твой вариант
  5. Enwteyn

    Free Breeder

    //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Custom Free Breeder aka Universal Renter (not reccomended) //===== By: Перевод By: S1r================================================== //= eAthena Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 1.0 Final + //===== Description: ========================================= //= A Free PecoPeco and Falcon Breeder //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //FIXED checkriding/cart/falcon funcs [Lupus] //Added Rebirth/Advanced Class support [Mass Zero] //Simplified the checks of job [Silentdragon] //============================================================ prontera,132,189,6 script Арендатор 726,{ mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "Привет, здесь Вы можете арендовать Повозки, Соколов или Пеко-пеко."; next; L_Menu: menu "Аренда Повозки",L_Cart,"Аренда Сокола",L_Falcon,"Аренда Пеко-пеко",L_Peco,"Выход",L_Quit; close; L_Cart: if((BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseJob == Job_SuperNovice) && checkcart() == 0) goto L_Cart_Ok; if(getskilllv(39)<1) goto L_Need_Skill; mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "Извините " + strcharinfo(0) + ", но Я арендую повозки только Продовцам, которые имеют достаточно навыков."; close; L_Cart_Ok: setcart; goto L_Quit2; L_Need_Skill: mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "Извините Вы не имеете необходимое количество умени, чтобы арендовать повозку."; close; L_Falcon: if(BaseJob != Job_Archer && BaseClass == Job_Archer && checkfalcon() == 0) goto L_Falc; if(getskilllv(127)<1) goto L_Need_Skill2; mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "Извините " + strcharinfo(0) + ", но Я арендую соколов только Охотникам и Снайперам, которые имеют достаточно навыков."; close; L_Falc: setfalcon; goto L_Quit2; L_Need_Skill2: mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "Извините,но у вас нет необходимых умений для аренды Сокола."; close; L_Peco: if (BaseJob != Job_Swordman && BaseClass == Job_Swordman && checkriding() == 0) goto L_Peco_Ok; if(getskilllv(63)<1) goto L_Need_Skill3; mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "Извините " + strcharinfo(0) + ", но Я арендую Пеко-пеко только Рыцарям и Крусайдерам, которые имеют достаточно навыков."; close; L_Peco_Ok: setriding; goto L_Quit2; L_Need_Skill3: mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "Извините, но у вас нет необходимых умений, чтобы ездить на Пеко-пеко."; close; L_Quit: mes "[Арендатор]"; mes strcharinfo(0) + ", пожалуйста возвращайте тогда, когда Вы будете готорвы что-либо арендовать."; close; L_Quit2: mes "[Арендатор]"; mes strcharinfo(0) + ", пожалуйста приходите снова, если вам что-нибудь пондобиться... ."; close; } как здесь говорится много говно кода
  6. Enwteyn

    Free Breeder

    //===== Athena Script ======================================== //= Free Breeder //===== Credits to =========================================== //= Enwteyn + помощь ea-support.ru //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Eathena SVN prontera,132,189,6 script Арендатор 726,{ mes "[^FF0000Арендатор^000000]"; mes "Приветствую Вас, ^0000FF"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000."; mes "Здесь Вы можете арендовать Повозки, Соколов или Пеко-пеко."; switch(select("Аренда Повозки:Аренда Сокола:Аренда Пеко-пеко:Отмена")) { case 1: if(getskilllv(39)<1) mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "^0000FFИзвините у вас нет умения, чтобы арендовать повозку.^000000"; close; if((BaseClass == Job_Merchant || BaseJob == Job_SuperNovice) && checkcart() == 0) { setcart; close; }; close; case 2: if(getskilllv(127)<1) mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "^0000FFИзвините у вас нет умения, чтобы арендовать Сокола.^000000"; close; if(BaseJob != Job_Archer && BaseClass == Job_Archer && checkfalcon() == 0) { setfalcon; close; }; close; case 3: if(getskilllv(63)<1) mes "[Арендатор]"; mes "^0000FFИзвините у вас нет умения, чтобы арендовать Пеко-пеко.^000000"; close; if (BaseJob != Job_Swordman && BaseClass == Job_Swordman && checkriding() == 0) { setriding; close; }; case 4: close; close;} }
  7. можете подсказать мануал или гайди по скриптингу??

  8. Enwteyn

    SKP/STP Seller

    //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= SKP/STP Seller //===== By: ================================================== //= Скрипт Арен = Enwteyn + помощь ea-support.ru //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Eathena SVN prontera.gat,139,200,5 script SKP/STP Seller 86,{ mes "[^0000FFSTP/SKP Seller^000000]"; mes "Приветствую Вас, ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000."; mes "Я вижу ты хочешь приобрести дополнительные умения!"; mes "50 Skill Point = 150 TCG"; mes "250 Stat Point = 200 TCG"; switch (select("Skill Point:Stat Point:Виход")) { case 1: if(countitem(7227)<150) break; delitem 7227,150; set SkillPoint,SkillPoint + 150; close; end; case 2: if(countitem(7227)<200) break; delitem 7227,200; set StatusPoint,StatusPoint + 250; close; end; case 3: close; end;} mes "[^FF0000Извини, но тебе не хватает TCG^000000]"; close;}
  9. на каких ревизия будет работать?
  10. Хотел бы еще реализовать чтобы каждый час, на протяжении 2- 3 мин был бонус фул баф. + анонс. Может кто то помочь?
  11. //===== Athena Script ======================================== //= Хилер + Cнятия всех статусов + Распознавание вещей + Ремонт вещей //===== Credits to =========================================== //= Enwteyn + помощь ea-support.ru //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Eathena SVN prontera,150,187,5 script Хилер 545,{ callfunc("full_dispel"); //Cнятия всех негативных статусов while(getbrokenid(1)) repair(1); //Ремонт вещей //Распознавание вещей getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i<@inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1){ if(@inventorylist_identify[.@i]==1) continue; delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1;} // percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,10; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,300000,5; //Бонус бафы OnMinute00: if(gettime(2)<3) { announce "На протяжении 3 минут у хилер возможно получить бонус баф.",bc_all,0x33FF00; sc_start SC_TRUESIGHT,360000,5; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,360000,5; sc_start SC_MELTDOWN,360000,5; sc_start SC_WINDWALK,360000,5; sc_start SC_EDP,360000,5; sc_start SC_KAITE,360000,7; sc_start SC_KAUPE,360000,3; sc_start SC_KAAHI,360000,7; sc_start SC_KAIZEL,360000,7; sc_start SC_ENDURE,360000,10; sc_start SC_ANGELUS,360000,10; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATE,360000,10; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,360000,5; sc_start SC_GLORIA,360000,5; sc_start SC_ADRENALINE2,360000,1; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,360000,5; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,360000,3; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; sc_start SC_WEAPONPERFECTION,360000,10; sc_start SC_OVERTHRUST,360000,5; sc_start SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER,360000,5; sc_start SC_CONCENTRATION,360000,5; sc_start SC_AURABLADE,360000,5; sc_start SC_LOUD,360000,1; sc_start SC_ENERGYCOAT,360000,1; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,360000,0; sc_start SC_STRFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_AGIFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_VITFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_INTFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_DEXFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_LUKFood,360000,10; sc_start SC_HitFood,1200000,30; sc_start SC_FleeFood,1200000,30; sc_start SC_BATKFood,1200000,10; sc_start SC_MATKFood,120000,10; } end; } //function Full Dispel function script full_dispel { sc_end 68; sc_end 69; sc_end 70; sc_end 71; sc_end 4; sc_end 6; sc_end 7; sc_end 8; sc_end 9; return;}
  12. Зачем еще одни кавычки ? Что такое exit; ? новая скрипт команда? не видел...могу ошибаться. А так этот скрипт можно оптимизировать еще на меньше строчек, если требуется. спс
  13. Enwteyn

    PVP Ladder TXT 1.7.2

    //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= eAthena PVP-Ladder //===== By: ================================================== //= Terces //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.7.2 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any Athena Version that has "for" implemented //===== Credits: ============================================= //= The whole eAthena Board and the eAthena Chat //===== Notes: =============================================== //= Note 1: //= Experience gain works like this formula: //= ($@LadderLength-(<new position>-1))*$@LadderExp //= so if someone gets the first place he'll get //= $@LadderLength*$@LadderExp experience points. //============================================================ //= Fixxed by Dante //= V1.7.2 //= Hosted by Dant3 aka Dante // HAFE FUN! READ THE TOPIC! IT DONT WORKS MAYBE ON OLDER REV // // // LAST UPDATE: 12th,February.2008 // // Main Script - Terces (Main Thanks to Terces ) // V1.7.0 - Dant3 // v1.7.1 - AnnieRuRu // v1.7.2 - Dant3 // THIS SCRIPT WORKS ONLY ON THE NEW EATHENA REVISIONS! ENJOY! - script PVPLADDEROPTIONS -1,{ end; OnInit: // 0 = Disabled (NO) // 1 = Enable (YES) set $@languageselect, 0; //Enable/Disable language selection [English/German] (Default: 1) set $@LadderAnnounce, 0; //Enable/Disable the announcement when a char reaches a new position in the ladder (Default: 1) set $@LadderLength, 10; //Set the length of the Ladder [!Not higher than 128!] (Default: 30) set $@LadderSteps, 5; //Set the views per page (Default: 10) set $@LadderExpGain, 100; //Enable/Disable experience gain when reaching a new position in the ladder (*Note1) set $@LadderExp, 150; //Set Experience gain value (*Note1) // Update v1.7.0 set $@LadderZenyGain, 1; //Enable/Disable zeny gain when reaching a new position in the ladder set $@LadderZeny, 100; //Set Zeny gain value set $@LadderChatRoom, 1; //Enable/Disable an Chat Room over the NPC with the message "PvP Ladder" (Users can not enter the Chat room) // Update v1.7.1 (Thanks to AnnieRuRu) // Added GM PvP Ladder Reset Function // Update v1.7.2 // Thanks to for the Feedback set $@LadderAskLogin, 1; //Enable/Disable that the NPC asks about the Broadcast when a Player logins / or with the Npc Chat (0 = Login Ask , 1 = Npc Chat) Related: 0 } - script PVPLADDERS -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: if (terces_PVP_resets != $terces_PVP_resets) { dispbottom "Please relog your character, in order to get the correct kills for you in the PVP ladder."; dispbottom "Because a GM just reset the ladder."; end; } if ( killedrid == getcharid(3) ) { set PVPDeaths, PVPDeaths +1; set #PVPDeathsAccount, #PVPDeathsAccount +1; set @PVPDeathstoday, @PVPDeathstoday +1; end; } set $@PVPcounter,$@PVPcounter+1; set getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter),getcharid(3); //getd to avoid errors when more than 1 people kill someone attachrid(killedrid); set PVPDeaths,PVPDeaths+1; set @PVPDeathstoday,@PVPDeathstoday+1; set #PVPDeathsAccount,#PVPDeathsAccount+1; set getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$"), strcharinfo(0); //again, getd to avoid possible glitches detachrid; attachrid(getd("$@PVPKill"+$@PVPcounter)); CountKills: set PVPKills,PVPKills+1; set @PVPKillstoday,@PVPKillstoday+1; set #PVPKillsAccount,#PVPKillsAccount+1; setarray @playerstats[0],@PVPKillstoday,@PVPDeathstoday,PVPKills,PVPDeaths,#PVPKillsAccount,#PVPDeathsAccount; l_ladder: set @considerdeath,0; for (set @PosinLadder, 0; @PosinLadder < $@LadderLength; set @PosinLadder, @PosinLadder + 1){ if (PVPKills >= $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder]){ //Player deserves to be in the ladder //Check if Death plays a role on the position if ((PVPKills == $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder]) && (PVPDeaths > $terces_PVP_deaths[@PosinLadder])) set @considerdeath,1; //Consider Deaths //Check if the player only topped his own scores if ($terces_PVP_names$[@PosinLadder] == strcharinfo(0)){ set $terces_PVP_kills[@PosinLadder],PVPKills; set $terces_PVP_deaths[@PosinLadder],PVPDeaths; end; } //Moves all characters in the Ladder for (set @beginmoving, $@LadderLength; @beginmoving >= (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath); set @beginmoving, @beginmoving - 1){ if ($terces_PVP_names$[@beginmoving] == strcharinfo(0)){ //If the player already is in the Ladder it only has to move players between characters new position and characters old position callsub L_LadderMove,0; end; } else if (@beginmoving == (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)){ //Player is not in the Ladder and therefor it has to move all players from characters new position downwards callsub L_LadderMove,1; end; } } end; } } L_LadderMove: if (getarg(0) == 0) set @length,@beginmoving; if (getarg(0) == 1) set @length,$@LadderLength; for (set @movecycle, @length; @movecycle > (@PosinLadder+@considerdeath); set @movecycle, @movecycle - 1){ set $terces_PVP_names$[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_names$[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_kills[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_kills[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_deaths[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_deaths[(@movecycle-1)]; set $terces_PVP_times[@movecycle],$terces_PVP_times[(@movecycle-1)]; } //sets the character's stats in the new position set $terces_PVP_names$[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],strcharinfo(0); set $terces_PVP_kills[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],PVPKills; set $terces_PVP_deaths[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],PVPDeaths; set $terces_PVP_times[(@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)],gettimetick(2); //Experience Gain if ($@LadderExpGain == 1){ set BaseExp,BaseExp+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderExp); dispbottom "You have just been rewarded with "+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderExp)+" base experience points"; } //Zeny Gain if ($@LadderZenyGain == 1){ set Zeny,Zeny+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderZeny); dispbottom "You have just been rewarded with "+(($@LadderLength-((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)-1))*$@LadderZeny)+" Zeny"; } //Announcement (Setting for Char) if (pvpbroadcast == 2){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" just claimed the "+((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)+1)+". Position in the Top "+$@LadderLength+" after killing "+getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$")+".",16; } //Announcement (Setting for Account) if (#pvpbroadcast == 2){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" just claimed the "+((@PosinLadder+@considerdeath)+1)+". Position in the Top "+$@LadderLength+" after killing "+getd("$@PVPkilledplayer"+$@PVPcounter+"$")+".",16; } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (terces_PVP_resets != $terces_PVP_resets){ set PVPDeaths,0; set @PVPDeathstoday,0; set #PVPDeathsAccount,0; set PVPKills,0; set @PVPKillstoday,0; set #PVPKillsAccount,0; set terces_PVP_resets,$terces_PVP_resets; } if ($@LadderAskLogin == 0){ if (#pvpbroadcast == 2) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 2) goto L_ignore; if (#pvpbroadcast == 1) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 1) goto L_ignore; if (pvpbroadcast == 0) mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Me is the PvP Top Management!"; mes "Let me ask you one Question and i will let you play!"; menu "Later please",L_close,"Okay, fine",L_fine; L_fine: next; mes "Well, do you want read Broadcast Messages when a Player reach a new position on the PvP Ranglist?"; menu "Yeah, why not",L_accept,"No, thanks",L_accept_2,"Wtf is Broadcast?",L_broadcast; L_accept: next; mes "Yay, thank you! "; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account,"Only this char",L_char; L_account: set #pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char: set pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_accept_2: next; mes "Yay, thank you! "; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account_2,"Only this char",L_char_2; L_close: close; L_account_2: set #pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char_2: set pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_broadcast: mes "Broadcasts are this yellow messages from the GMs"; goto L_fine; } } prontera.gat,163,163,4 script PvP TOP 57,{ if ($@LadderChatRoom == 1) { waitingroom "PvP Top "+$@LadderLength+"",0; // Look on the configuration! } set @name$,"[PvP-Ladder]"; //Colour of: Position Name Kills Deaths Time setarray @colour$[0], "^996600", "^006699", "^00AA00", "^FF0000", "^EE8800"; if ($@LadderAskLogin == 1){ if (#pvpbroadcast == 2) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 2) goto access_eng; if (#pvpbroadcast == 1) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 1) goto access_eng; if (pvpbroadcast == 0) mes "Hi, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Me is the PvP Top Management!"; mes "Let me ask you one Question and i will let you play!"; menu "Later please",L_close,"Okay, fine",L_fine; L_fine: next; mes "Well, do you want read Broadcast Messages when a Player reach a new position on the PvP Ranglist?"; menu "Yeah, why not",L_accept,"No, thanks",L_accept_2,"Wtf is Broadcast?",L_broadcast; L_accept: next; mes "Yay, thank you! "; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account,"Only this char",L_char; L_account: set #pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char: set pvpbroadcast,2; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_accept_2: next; mes "Yay, thank you! "; mes "Will this Setting work on all your Chars on this account or only this char?"; menu "Account",L_account_2,"Only this char",L_char_2; L_close: close; L_account_2: set #pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; close; L_char_2: set pvpbroadcast,1; next; mes "Okay, "+strcharinfo(0)+""; mes "Thank you for your time and have fun!"; goto access_eng; close; L_broadcast: mes "Broadcasts are this yellow messages from the GMs"; goto L_fine; } access_eng: mes @name$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+"..."; mes "If you want to I can show you your PVP stats."; next; M_selection_eng: if ( getgmlevel () < 99 ) menu "Show me the PVP Ladder",M_Ladder_eng,"PvP stats since my login",M_seitLogin_eng,"PvP stats of this Char",M_dieserChar_eng,"Stats of the whole account",M_vomAccount_eng,"Cancel",M_abbrechen_eng; else menu "Show me the PVP Ladder",M_Ladder_eng,"PvP stats since my login",M_seitLogin_eng,"PvP stats of this Char",M_dieserChar_eng,"Stats of the whole account",M_vomAccount_eng,"Reset Ladder",L_reset,"Cancel",M_abbrechen_eng; M_Ladder_eng: mes "Alright...I'll show you the Top "+ $@LadderLength +" with "+$@LadderSteps+" entries per page."; mes "It'll be viewed like this:"; mes @colour$[0]+"Place^000000: "+@colour$[1]+"<name>^000000 :"+@colour$[2]+"<kills>^000000:"+@colour$[3]+"<deaths>^000000 "+@colour$[4]+"<time>"; next; callsub L_Ladder; goto M_selection_eng; M_seitLogin_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats since your login:"; mes @PVPKillstoday+"/"+@PVPDeathstoday+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_dieserChar_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats of this Char:"; mes PVPKills+"/"+PVPDeaths+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_vomAccount_eng: mes @name$; mes "Your stats of the whole account:"; mes #PVPKillsAccount+"/"+#PVPDeathsAccount+"(Kills/Deaths)"; next; goto M_selection_eng; M_abbrechen_eng: mes @name$; mes "OK. You can come back to me and see your stats whenever you want."; close; L_reset: if (getgmlevel() < 99) end; mes "Do you want to reset the ladder?"; if (select ("Yes","No") == 2) goto L_end; mes "Are you really really sure you want to reset it?"; menu "Yes, ffs!!",-,"No",L_end; deletearray $terces_PVP_kills,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_deaths,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_names$,128; deletearray $terces_PVP_times,128; set $terces_PVP_resets,$terces_PVP_resets +1; L_end: mes "Okay...cya"; close; L_Ladder: for (set @y,0; @y < $@LadderLength; set @y,@y+$@LadderSteps){ for (set @x,@y; (@x < (@y+$@LadderSteps)) && (@x < ($@LadderLength)); set @x,@x+1){ if ($terces_PVP_names$[@x] != ""){ mes @colour$[0]+(@x+1)+"^000000: "+@colour$[1]+$terces_PVP_names$[@x]+"^000000 "+@colour$[2]+$terces_PVP_kills[@x]+"^000000:"+@colour$[3]+$terces_PVP_deaths[@x]+"^000000 ~ "+@colour$[4]+callfunc ("Gettime",$terces_PVP_times[@x])+"^000000"; } else { mes "^DD0000"+(@x+1)+": ^006699None^000000 "; } } next; } return; } function script Gettime { if (getarg(0)==0) return; set @difftimedays,(gettimetick(2) - getarg(0)); set @difftimehours,@difftimedays%86400; set @difftimeminutes,@difftimehours%3600; set @difftimeseconds,@difftimeminutes%60; set @days,@difftimedays/86400; set @hours,@difftimehours/3600; set @minutes,@difftimeminutes/60; set @seconds,@difftimeseconds; set @result$,""; if(@days != 0) set @result$,@result$+@days+"d "; if(@hours != 0) set @result$,@result$+@hours+"h "; if(@minutes != 0) set @result$,@result$+@minutes+"m "; if(@seconds != 0) set @result$,@result$+@seconds+"s"; return (@result$); } prontera,167,178,2 script Kill Changer 891,{ mes "[PKp Exchanger]"; mes "Привет "+strcharinfo(0)+"! Я могу поменять ваши Kill points на разные полезнее предметы!"; next; mes "You have ^FF0000"+PVPKills+"^000000 Kill points."; mes "30 Kill points = 1 LM"; mes "30 Kill points = 50 TCG"; mes "2000 Kill points = 1 Gold Coins"; switch(select("LM:TCG:Gold Coins:Отмена")) { case 1: if((PVPKills)<30) break; set PVPKills, PVPKills - 30; getitem 674,1; close; case 2: if((PVPKills)<30) break; set PVPKills, PVPKills - 30; getitem 7227,50; close; case 3: if((PVPKills)<2000) break; set PVPKills, PVPKills - 2000; getitem 671,1; close; case 4: exit; } next; mes "[^FF0000Извини, но тебе не хватает Kill points^000000]"; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Kill Changer",0; end; }
  14. Enwteyn

    PvP Arena v1.5

    if(.announce>0) { mapannounce "guild_vs2","Игрок из "+getguildname(.@guild)+" вошел на GvG Арену",0;} Два разных нпц if(sex)){ .... } else { } if(getmapusers("guild_vs2.gat") >= 100 ) break; if(.guild_arena>0){ set .@guild, getcharid(2); - if(.@guild<1){ mes "^0000FFВы не в гильдии!!!^000000";close;}} + if(.@guild<1){ mes "^0000FFВы не в гильдии!!!^000000";close;} if(.announce>0) { mapannounce "guild_vs1",""+strcharinfo(0)+" вошел на GvG Арену",0;} warp "guild_vs2",0,0; + } end;
  15. Enwteyn

    PvP Arena v1.5

    Немного переписал код. Обновление к версии V1.4
  16. Enwteyn

    PvP Arena v1.5

    if(getmapusers("guild_vs2.gat") >= 100 ) break; if(.guild_arena>0){ set .@guild, getcharid(2); if(.@guild<1){ mes "^0000FFВы не в гильдии!!!^000000";close;}} if(.announce>0) { mapannounce "guild_vs2",""+strcharinfo(0)+" вошел на GvG Арену",0;} warp "guild_vs2",0,0; end; Помогите реализовать [*]set .@guild, getcharid(2); - зачем? Может вместо ника в объявлении ввести "зашел член гильдии такой-то" [*]Разные mes для sex 0/1 И как тогда избавится от set .guild_arena,1; //1 - арена гильди включена. 0 - арена гильдий выключена. ?
  17. Enwteyn

    PvP Arena v1.5

    Спс Если что то не так дай знать а то я только учусь. Хочу до весны немного подучить и сделать сервер норм.
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