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  1. Salfer



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  2. darkfate



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  3. Kami-shi



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  4. Fox RM

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Популярный контент

Показан контент с высокой репутацией 08/14/2014 в Сообщения

  1. Суть данного фикса:Sacrifice мисает по большому "Lucky Dodge" , делаем так , чтобы не "мисало". Заходим в src/map/battle.c Находим : if ( (!skill_num || skill_num == PA_SACRIFICE) && tstatus->flee2 && rnd()%1000 < tstatus->flee2 ) { //Check for Lucky Dodge wd.type=0x0b; wd.dmg_lv=ATK_LUCKY; if (wd.div_ < 0) wd.div_*=-1; return wd; } Эту строку if ( (!skill_num || skill_num == PA_SACRIFICE) && tstatus->flee2 && rnd()%1000 < tstatus->flee2 ) Меняем на эту: if ( (!skill_num) && tstatus->flee2 && rand()%1000 <
    1 балл
  2. conf\battle\status.conf // Adjustment for the natural rate of resistance from status changes. // If 50, status defense is halved, and you need twice as much stats to block // them (eg: 200 vit to completely block stun) pc_status_def_rate: 100 mob_status_def_rate: 100 // Required luk to gain inmunity to status changes. // Luk increases resistance by closing the gap between natural resist and max // linearly. This setting indicates required luk to gain complete immunity. // Eg: 40 vit -> 40% resist. 150 luk -> +50% of the missing gap. // So 40% + (50% of 60%) = 70% pc_luk_status_def: 300 mob_luk_status_def: 300 // Maximum resistance to status changes. (100 = 100%) // NOTE: Cards and equipment can go over this limit, so it only applies to natural resist. pc_max_status_def: 100 mob_max_status_def: 100
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  3. conf/script_athena.conf посмотри значение input_max_value
    1 балл
  4. Adelays 4.2 is now available! * Buffer precision was improved. That should really help people with bad ping. * Fixed a bug that was emptying the buffer on skill pause. * Fixed a bug that was emptying the buffer after a skill without delay (Ex: True sight). * Added the possibility to regulate a long skill chain (4 skills+) in case the player is faster than normal. This feature is experimental and can be disabled in the conf. * Added a command to check the connection to Adelays's Server. @adelaysip. To people which wonder what's the buffer, it's basically a value that defines if you are able to doubleskill, or not. You may check our facebook for more details.
    1 балл
  5. На этом все. Можете забрасывать какашками, но эти никчемные настройки помогают бороться практически с большинством проблем которые могут возникнуть. А что делаете вы?
    1 балл
  6. PvP рейт с гм меню Взято с eathena.ws
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