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Команды @go 0

Рекомендуемые сообщения

всем привет, подскажите где гайд что бы могли обычные игроки телепортироватся с помощью @go 0 а то почему-то не могут, только админы могут, и еще есть у кого скрипт, или что это, что бы можно было изменять цвет ника?

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чтобы твои "пользователи" могли использовать @go, зайди eA/conf/atcommand_athena.conf

найди в этом файле

// Warps you to predefined locations in major cities.
go: 40,40

измени на

go: 0,40

затем зайди в ро и напиши @reloadbattleconf

и будет тебе счастье

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чтобы твои "пользователи" могли использовать @go, зайди eA/conf/atcommand_athena.conf

найди в этом файле

// Warps you to predefined locations in major cities.
go: 40,40

измени на

go: 0,40

затем зайди в ро и напиши @reloadbattleconf

и будет тебе счастье

окей... парни я щяс выложу скрины сервера охуейте,,, такое захотите... только продам))) ждите))) а тебе большое спасибо

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я вот нашел этот файл, в него вошел а там такой строки нету вообще как написал Qunis

/* Atcommands and charcommands configuration file */

/* The symbol that will be used to recognize commands.

You can set any one character except:

- control-characters (0x00-0x1f),

- '%' (party chat symbol)

- '$' (guild chat symbol)

- '/' (client commands symbol)

atcommand_symbol represents @commands used locally.

charcommand_symbol represents #commands used on other players.


atcommand_symbol : "@"

charcommand_symbol: "0"

/* Command aliases

You can define aliases for any command. Aliases work just like original


Format is

<commandname>: ["<alias>", ...]


aliases: {

mobinfo: ["monsterinfo", "mi"]

iteminfo: ["ii"]

time: ["date", "serverdate", "servertime"]

autotrade: ["at"]

help: ["h"]

jumpto: ["goto", "warpto"]

mount: ["mountpeco"]

who: ["whois"]

npctalk: ["npctalkc"]

gvgon: ["gpvpon"]

gvgoff: ["gpvpoff"]

jobchange: ["job"]

load: ["return"]

warp: ["rura", "mapmove"]

dye: ["ccolor"]

hairstyle: ["hstyle"]

haircolor: ["hcolor"]

monster: ["spawn"]

blvl: ["lvup", "blevel", "baselvl", "baselvup", "baselevel", "baselvlup"]

jlvl: ["jlevel", "joblvl", "joblvup", "joblevel", "joblvlup"]

glvl: ["glevel", "guildlvl", "guildlvup", "guildlevel", "guildlvlup"]

allskill: ["allskills", "skillall", "skillsall"]

allstats: ["allstat", "statall", "statsall"]

ban: ["banish"]

unban: ["unbanish"]

unjail: ["discharge"]

homlevel: ["hlvl", "hlevel", "homlvl", "homlvup"]

homevolution: ["homevolve"]

mutearea: ["stfu"]

monsterignore: ["battleignore"]

raise: ["revive"]

kill: ["die"]


/* Commands help file */

help: {

@include "conf/help.txt"


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Настрой в conf/groups.conf

groups: (
id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */
name: "Player"
level: 0
inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
commands: {
/* informational commands */
duel: false
go: true


level-означает уровень аккаунта.

go: true - игроки смогут юзать @go

duel: false - команды @duel у них не будет

Изменено пользователем D.Komyakov
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Настрой в conf/groups.conf

groups: (
id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */
name: "Player"
level: 0
inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
commands: {
/* informational commands */
duel: false
go: true


level-означает уровень аккаунта.

go: true - игроки смогут юзать @go

duel: false - команды @duel у них не будет

не работает!

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покажи свой groups.conf и перезагрузил ли ты сервер/аткоманды?

ахах конечно перезапустил


Player groups configuration file


This file defines "player groups" and their privileges.

Each group has its id and name, lists of available commands and other

permissions, and a list of other groups it inherits from.

Group settings



Unique group number. The only required field.


Any string. If empty, defaults to "Group <id>". It is used in several @who



Equivalent of GM level, which was used in revisions before r15572. You can

set it to any number, but usually it's between 0 (default) and 99. Members of

groups with lower level can not perform some actions/commands (like @kick) on

members of groups with higher level. It is what script command getgmlevel()

returns. Group level can also be used to override trade restrictions



A group of settings

<command name> : <bool>


<commandname> : [ <bool>, <bool> ]

First boolean value is for atcommand, second one for charcommand. If set to

true, group can use command. If only atcommand value is provided, false is

assumed for charcommand. If a command name is not included, false is assumed for

both atcommand and charcommand.

For a full list of available commands, see: doc/atcommands.txt.

Command names must not be aliases.


Boolean value. If true then all commands used by the group will be logged to

atcommandlog. If setting is omitted in a group definition, false is assumed.

Requires 'log_commands' to be enabled in 'conf/log_athena.conf'.


A group of settings

<permission> : <bool>

If a permission is not included, false is assumed.

For a full list of available permissions, see: doc/permissions.txt


A list of group names that given group will inherit commands and permissions

from. Group names are case-sensitive.

Inheritance results


Both multiple inheritance (Group 2 -> Group 1 and Group 3 -> Group 1) and

recursive inheritance (Group 3 -> Group 2 -> Group 1) are allowed.

Inheritance rules should not create cycles (eg Group 1 inherits from Group 2,

and Group inherits from Group 1 at the same time). Configuration with cycles is

considered faulty and can't be processed fully by server.

Command or permission is inherited ONLY if it's not already defined for the


If group inherits from multiple groups, and the same command or permission is

defined for more than one of these groups, it's undefined which one will be




This config file uses libconfig syntax:


Upgrading from revisions before r15572




groups: (


id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */

name: "Player"

level: 0

inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )

commands: {

/* no commands by default */

commands: true

charcommands: true

help: true

rates: true

uptime: true

showdelay: true

exp: true

mobinfo: true

iteminfo: true

whodrops: true

time: true

jailtime: true

hominfo: true

homstats: true

showexp: true

showzeny: true

whereis: true

/* feature commands */

refresh: true

noask: true

noks: true

main: true

autoloot: true

alootid: true

autotrade: true

request: true

go: true


permissions: {

/* without this basic permissions regular players could not

trade or party */

can_trade: true

can_party: true




id: 1

name: "Super Player"

inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */

level: 0

commands: {

/* informational commands */

commands: true

charcommands: true

help: true

rates: true

uptime: true

showdelay: true

exp: true

mobinfo: true

iteminfo: true

whodrops: true

time: true

jailtime: true

hominfo: true

homstats: true

showexp: true

showzeny: true

whereis: true

/* feature commands */

refresh: true

noask: true

noks: true

main: true

autoloot: true

alootid: true

autotrade: true

request: true

go: true


permissions: {




id: 2

name: "Support"

inherit: ( "Super Player" )

level: 1

commands: {

version: true

where: true

jumpto: true

who: true

who2: true

who3: true

whomap: true

whomap2: true

whomap3: true

users: true

broadcast: true

localbroadcast: true


log_commands: true

permissions: {

receive_requests: true

view_equipment: true




id: 3

name: "Script Manager"

inherit: ( "Support" )

level: 1

commands: {

tonpc: true

hidenpc: true

shownpc: true

loadnpc: true

unloadnpc: true

npcmove: true

addwarp: true


log_commands: true

permissions: {

any_warp: true




id: 4

name: "Event Manager"

inherit: ( "Support" )

level: 1

commands: {

monster: true

monstersmall: true

monsterbig: true

killmonster2: true

cleanmap: true

item: [true, true]

zeny: [true, true]

disguise: [true, true]

undisguise: [true, true]

size: [true, true]

raise: true

raisemap: true

day: true

night: true

skillon: true

skilloff: true

pvpon: true

pvpoff: true

gvgon: true

gvgoff: true

allowks: true

me: true

marry: true

divorce: true


log_commands: true

permissions: {

can_trade: false

any_warp: true




id: 10

name: "Law Enforcement"

inherit: ( "Support" )

level: 2

commands: {

hide: true

follow: true

kick: true

disguise: true

fakename: true

option: true

speed: true

warp: true

kill: true

recall: true

ban: true

block: true

jail: true

jailfor: true

mute: true

storagelist: true

cartlist: true

itemlist: true

stats: true


log_commands: true

permissions: {

join_chat: true

kick_chat: true

hide_session: true

who_display_aid: true

hack_info: true

any_warp: true

view_hpmeter: true




id: 99

name: "Admin"

level: 99

inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" )

commands: {

/* not necessary due all_commands: true */


log_commands: true

permissions: {

can_trade: true

can_party: true

all_skill: false

all_equipment: false

skill_unconditional: false

use_check: true

use_changemaptype: true

all_commands: true




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